If you have any questions on our fee structure or what services and support your child may need, please get in touch to discuss.
Initial Assessment: Occupational Therapy or Speech & Language Therapy
This assessment typically takes 2-3 hours. It includes a combination of standardised and non–standardised assessments including a sensory processing component for children receiving an OT assessment. You will receive a written report outlining all the results, recommendations and strategies. If we are already working within your child’s school, we will conduct a classroom observation, otherwise we will liaise with their class teacher.
Every Assessment includes a 45-minute parent feedback meeting either in in person or via Zoom, you choose what is convenient for you. This assessment is recommended for children who are new to therapy or have not had a previous assessment for at least two years.
Fee: $9,350
Therapy & Counselling
Individual or small group therapy sessions are typically structured into a 10-session package with an additional progress meeting at the end of the therapy block. However, we understand that our therapy package isn’t appropriate for all children which is why we also provide individual sessions and consultations based on what is best for your child.
Please contact us so we can devise an individualised therapy programme for your child.
Individual Therapy:
$1,210 / 45-minute session
$1,650 / 60-minute session
Small Group Therapy:
$825 / 45-minute session
$1,100 / 60-minute session
Initial Consultation
We recommend an initial consultation if your child is 3 years old or younger or you are not quite sure whether they need a full assessment. Additionally, we would book you or your child in for an initial consultation if your child has had a recent assessment or diagnosis and you are exploring the best therapy options. If we feel this the best way to start the therapy or counselling process, we will spend 45 minutes observing and playing with your child, followed by a 15 minute feedback session. Alternatively, we offer a parent consultation without an assessment of your child which is an in-depth history taking and discussion about your child and their needs.
Fee: $1,650
Home-based Therapy Session
We are able to provide home based therapy sessions on request. If this is an option you would like to explore, please contact us. Home visits must be booked in a package of 5 and each session will be 45-60 minutes.
Fee: starting at $3,300 depending on location (subject to change depending on exact location)
Feeding Therapy Initial Consultation
Picky eating can be a terribly difficult and anxious time for parents. Our assessment is conducted by both Occupational Therapist and a Speech & Language Therapist. Our Occupational Therapist’s are trained to closely look at the sensory issues associated with food refusal and behaviours around mealtimes and daily routines in addition to motor challenges such as posture or the ability to self feed. Our Speech Therapist will assess oral-motor function including: lip closure, tongue position/movement and jaw and teeth position in addition to basic language. Our 90-minute consultation will provide you with a report full of great strategies and recommendations.
Fees: $4,400
Occupational Therapy Screening
The screening assessment involves 45-60 minute assessment including: clinical observations, assessing fine and gross motor skills, handwriting, sensory processing, concentration and use of some components of standardised assessment(s).
$5,060 for both Occupational Therapy and Speech & Language Therapy (must be booked together)
Speech & Language Therapy Screening
The screening assessment involves 45-60 minute assessment including: informal observations, vocabulary, following instructions, sentence organisation, answering ‘wh’ questions, social communication and articulation.
$5,060 for both Occupational Therapy and Speech & Language Therapy (must be booked together)
Initial Parent and/or Teacher Consultation
15-minutes. This is the first point of contact between the therapist and you the parent. It consists of a brief conversation regarding the therapy process, assessments and what will be the right treatment or assessment for your child.