7 Developmental Milestones…. When should you seek advice?

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As therapists we often get asked ‘is there a problem or will my child catch up with time?’ 

What we do know is that all children are unique and develop different skills at different speeds, but most children follow a similar developmental trajectory.  

We believe that when assessing your child’s developmental milestones, you need to pay attention to 7 main areas:

  1. Speaking

  2. Understanding

  3. Fine Motor Skills

  4. Gross Motor Skills

  5. Play Skills

  6. Independence Skills

  7. Self-Representation

 Your child may be stronger in some areas but overall, they should be developing skills in all 7 domains.   We have listed a range of skills that should be attained by a particular age.  

If your child is missing a few, it is worth having a discussion with an Occupational Therapist or Speech and Language Therapist.  Early intervention in a caring environment will help your child bridge the developmental gap and feel more comfortable among their peers. 


  1. Berkshire Healthcare, Developmental Milestones, the School Years toolkit.

  2. Fine Motor and Gross Motor, Milestone Charts

  3. Kid Sense

  4. Developmental milestones and the Early Years Learning Framework 

  5. Karen Stagnitti; Pretend Play Enjoyment Developmental Checklist (2020)

  6. Developmental Milestones Ages 4-8, CanChild, McMaster University 2013

Leith Stewart