Online Learning TIPS: Why you should add play to your online learning schedule
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Fun fact play theorists agree that no one has successfully defined play. We all know it when we see it but so far there is not one true and all-encompassing definition of play.  At YOUNG FOLK THERAPY we define play as: Intrinsically motivated, joyful, easy and can be used as an opportunity for self-directed learning.

 When children are at school, they have hundreds of opportunities for play and playfulness throughout the day.  Pulling faces, playing tag, clapping games, in addition to traditional play schemes such as playing with cars, dolls, blocks or equipment. Playing tag or football or handball are also types of play. During home learning, the opportunities are significantly less which is why it is important that we build ‘playtime’ into their everyday learning and routine, regardless of their age.

 Children need a combination of structured and unstructured or free play time. 

Some examples of structured play are:

      i.         Board games

     ii.         Art and Craft to make or create a specific piece

    iii.        Scooter or skateboarding

    iv.         Baking

     v.         Building a model car

Some examples of unstructured or free play are:

      i.         Dress-up/role play

     ii.         Creating their own Lego/block towns or objects

    iii.         Sensory play using shaving cream or paint

    iv.         Dolls houses

     v.         Cars or trains


Free play should not be guided or controlled by an adult either, let your child use their own imagination to play how they want to play.

 Encourage your child to engage in at least 2 x 30 minutes of each type of play EVERYDAY during home learning.  The benefits of play are endless but include:

1.     Developing and improving language

2.     Processing experiences and ideas

3.     Understanding and learning social skills and roles

We will be looking deeper into the wonderful and essential benefits of play in another blog series but until then, happy playing.